Read all the way to the end of a file in one operation.

The following example reads all the way to the end of a file in one operation.


public static String DoTest()
         string strRet = "";
         string path = @"c:\temp\MyTestReadToEnd.txt";

                  if (File.Exists(path))

                  StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path);
                  sw.WriteLine("is some text");
                  sw.WriteLine("to test");
                  sw.WriteLine("ReadToEnd method");

                  StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path);
                  //This allows you to do one Read operation.
                  strRet += (sr.ReadToEnd() + Environment.NewLine);

         catch (Exception e)
                  strRet += String.Format("The process failed: {0}", e.ToString());

         return strRet;         


Blaze++ .NET

static String DoTest()
         String strRet = "";
         String path = "c:\\temp\\MyTestReadToEnd.txt";

                  if (File::Exists(path))

                  StreamWriter sw(path);
                  sw.WriteLine("is some text");
                  sw.WriteLine("to test");
                  sw.WriteLine("ReadToEnd method");

                  StreamReader sr(path);
                  //This allows you to do one Read operation.
                  strRet += (sr.ReadToEnd() + Environment::NewLine);
         catch (Exception e)
                  strRet += String::Format("The process failed: {0}", e.ToString());
         return strRet;         